Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 13/12/2022
HORA: 13:15
ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIALIZATION IN THE CONTEXT OF IFRS - CAMPUS FARROUPILHA: systematization of knowledge for people management


Organizational Socialization. People management. Federal Teaching Institution. Professional and Technological Education. Freshmen.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação

The present study deals with the socialization of newcomers in a federal educational institution. Inserted in the Research Line of “Organization and Memories of Pedagogical Spaces in Professional and Technological Education”, of the Post-Graduate Program in Professional and Technological Education, its locus was the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) and sought to analyze the knowledge and procedures necessary for the reception and integration of new employees, with the purpose of proposing a manual that provides theoretical and practical subsidies to improve the conduct of the socialization process by People Management (GP), on the Farroupilha campus. It is theoretically and methodologically based on the Analysis of Movements of Senses, and the production of data was based on the referential literature on the subject and through field research of the case study type with the application of two online questionnaires, available on google forms. The first aimed at 30 employees working in the GP of all IFRS campuses and the second at 607 new entrants (appointments, removals, redistributions and contracts, in the period between January 2018 and June 2021). The data obtained show that although the IFRS has not adopted an official program for the socialization of new entrants, actions are carried out in this sense. Even if they are not applied in a systemic way, when carried out, they proved to be effective. The newcomers report that activities such as welcoming the GP, presentation of the campus and colleagues, meetings with sectors, among others, were carried out, which generated satisfaction and few setbacks. In cases where there was no such involvement, the newcomers had difficulties and showed feelings of abandonment and neglect. Also, the contents that must be explained by the GP when a new member arrives were identified. Through the analysis of the data and the
syntheses performed, an educational product was elaborated, systematizing the knowledge to help the GP servers of the Farroupilha campus in the conduct of that process. The textual material developed consists of a newcomer's manual, which deals with the history of IFRS and the Farroupilha campus and addresses the
essential contents so that the newcomer can start his activities with greater tranquility.The educational product was submitted to the evaluation of the servers that work in the PM sectors of the IFRS campuses, as potential users of the material. The evaluation considered categories such as: attractiveness, understanding, acceptance, involvement, impact and objectives. The product was approved, with expressive results, in all categories. Through this study, it is expected to contribute with the institution to the achievement of institutional objectives. It is believed that improving socialization processes constitutes a posture that can positively affect the
institution's performance in terms of professional and technological education. The educational product may be an auxiliary tool for the GP servers of the Farroupilha campus, and it is still possible to adapt to other campuses. It will also be made available in a public repository with free access to other researchers or institutions interested in the subject.

Presidente - 1901102 - ANA SARA CASTAMAN
Externo à Instituição - FABIANO LARENTIS - UCS
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/11/2022 09:42
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