Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/07/2022
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: IFRS - Campus Porto Alegre

The contributions of an innovation ecosystem for the management of business incubators integrated with the Cerne Model — Anprotec: Hestia case study.


Innovation Ecosystem. Business Incubators. Cerne Model - Anprotec.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Administração
SUBÁREA: Administração de Setores Específicos

This study aimed to analyze the contributions of an innovation ecosystem for the management of business incubators integrated with the Cerne Model — Anprotec. The choice of organization, object of this study, is a technology-based business incubator, belonging to an academic innovation ecosystem of a federal public Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institution (ICT), founded in 2004. In the dynamic scenario of In innovation ecosystems, the interaction between companies and universities, supported by the government, stimulates the technology transfer process, whose fundamental purpose is the transformation of scientific and technological knowledge into innovation. This area presents opportunities for the development of new products and services for society, often originating from start-ups. In this context, innovation ecosystems promote interaction between enterprises and innovation environments, made up of incubators and science and technology parks. Business incubators, present in all capitals of the country, act as an important strategy for small and medium-sized municipalities to be able to leverage economic development. However, it was necessary to systematize processes, adapt the physical and technological structure, the services offered to the enterprises supported by these environments to obtain business success during the course of business incubation and higher survival rates of companies graduated in the market. With these demands, and following the international scenario, the National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises — Anprotec and the Brazilian Support System for Micro and Small Enterprises — Sebrae proposed the Cerne Model (Reference Center for Support to New Enterprises). The processes of this model can positively converge with the actions of the local, regional, national and international innovation ecosystem. For this, the method used in this research was the case study classified as exploratory, with a qualitative approach. Qualitative data were analyzed using the scientific technique of content analysis. As a main result, it is observed that Cerne Level 4 is the degree that consolidates the relationship and interaction of the innovation ecosystem with business incubators, but not necessarily level 4, which is essential to implement this interaction. Therefore, it is beneficial that, from the implementation of the incubator, the connection with the ecosystem and other local, regional and international innovation networks, both public and private, begins. This interaction must be strengthened and integrates the very process of consolidating an innovation ecosystem, which aims to connect actors and promote collaboration. By establishing these relationships, there are gains for all involved, in order to unite common efforts and expand the benefits of these collaborative connections. From a managerial point of view, the research ends with the writing of a technical report with recommendations for actions for the Hestia Technological Incubator together with the actors of the UFRGS Innovation Ecosystem for the Key Processes of the certification levels proposed by the Cerne Model — Anprotec .

Presidente - 813.017.070-15 - ANA PAULA MATEI - UFRGS
Interno - 000.728.630-99 - ANA PAULA KLOECKNER TUDESCO - UFRGS
Interno - 004.321.979-90 - KELLY LISSANDRA BRUCH - UFRGS
Externo à Instituição - HELIO TRINDADE DE MATOS - UFMA
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/07/2022 16:40
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